Glenvale Christian School provides a secure, stimulating and friendly learning environment for children. Our students spend most of their time with their class teacher, with support from specialist teachers and teacher aides. Parents are welcome in the classroom to assist with a range of activities that promote learning and foster a sense of belonging.
As children enter Glenvale Christian School they are seen as unique individuals created in God's image. Each teacher provides a creative environment that enables children to discover and use their God-given gifts and abilities. Our curriculum is Biblically grounded. The Word of God permeates all areas of the curriculum and is not taught as a separate subject on a purely intellectual basis. Students are encouraged to think christianly about what they are learning - to have a Biblical world view.
We teach and inspire our students to achieve individual excellence through core and extended curricula which comply with the Queensland Studies Authority syllabus. A strong focus is placed on developing student's literacy and numeracy skills. Each day there is a dedicated Literacy Block, where students focus on their reading, writing and spelling. Similarly there is a Numeracy Block, where students focus on their mathematical skills, processes and thinking.
Our teachers use technology to enhance learning and help students connect with their world. Our school has interactive whiteboards in all classrooms, classroom computers and a computer lab for whole class instruction. Sport and Physical Education form an important part of the School's program. Our School is young and uses facilities around the city (local pools and athletics fields) to fully complement its extracurricular activities.
Our teachers strive to model patience and love. By dealing with students with understanding, they create a respectful classroom in which all students can learn. Glenvale Christian School provides its lower primary students with a solid learning foundation and this is enhanced in the upper primary school by teaching the students skills and abilities to enable them to grow as independent, life-long learners. These skills will help students as they transition into the high school years.
Year Level | Educators |
Ms Donna McLean
Mrs Lyndal Louden
Year 1
Miss Emily Munro
Year 2
Mrs Kerryn Hukkinen and Mrs Elese West
Year 3
Miss Lucy Harch
Year 4
Mrs Kate Morton
Year 5
Mrs Holly Sheehan
Year 6
Mr Jonathan Handreck
Learning Support
Miss Karen Hossack
Learning Support & Physical Education
Mrs Jacinta Bury
Mrs Elese West
Mrs Kathryn Stewart
Teacher Aide
Mrs Joan Johnston
Teacher Aide
Mrs Wendy Folker
Teacher Aide
Mrs Christine McLennan
Teacher Aide
Mrs Kelly Armitage
Teacher Aide
Mrs Nicky Kearton